We’re an education and neurotech company making life-changing meditation fast and enjoyable for everyone

We target specific meditative states known as jhanas using results-oriented teaching methods and technology. Our first product is a meditation intensive that’s won hyperbolic testimonials from tech executives and engineers (e.g. OpenAI, DeepMind). It’s regularly called “life-changing” and “like learning to do MDMA therapy on my own and without the drug.” Most participants learn to enter states previously thought to require thousands of hours of practice in under 40 hours.

We've also collected what may be the largest EEG dataset on these states in the world, and have plans to build biofeedback tools to teach them in under 10 hours.

In the video below, our ML model shows increasing probability an expert meditator has entered jhana a few minutes before he self-reports he’s in jhana (yellow section), and continues to report increased probability as he deepens into the state. Our model had not seen this subject before. The clip is sped up 16x (it looks like he’s breathing unusually fast, but he’s actually breathing slowly).

We think scaling life-changing meditation is an extraordinary opportunity. Modern meditation is associated with incremental changes like improved focus or reduction in stress, but the roots of meditation have nothing to do with incremental change. They describe transformative healing and wellbeing.

These states aren’t just an open secret in advanced meditation communities. Modern scientific research validates their existence. Researchers at top institutes like Harvard, UC Davis, McGill, and Berkeley have already published on the jhanas or have studies underway. And we’re here to help take them to scale.

Interested in following along? Get our email sequencing introducing the jhanas and how to start learning them.

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